A Huge Thank You to Our HeadwayHero Fundraisers

28th August 2018


Hats for Headway – Royds Withy King

Massive thanks to one of our corporate supporters, Royds Withy King, for hosting a “Hats for Headway” day in their office and raised £100! Your donations will help to support people with brain injury across the county!

“We ran a small competition in the Oxford office for the best hat with a biscuit tin up for grabs! Everyone at Royds Withy King was very pleased to be involved.” – Mark from Royds Withy King.

#HatsforHeadway @RoydsWithyKing

National Citizens Service – Bicester A Team

A huge thanks to the NCS team of young fundraisers, who organised cake sales, bag packing and car washes to raise £200 for Oxford Head Injury Services! You giving back to the community is highly appreciated.

“My young people really enjoyed meeting your service users, learning about the organisation and fundraising. We had a cake sale and car wash and it was amazing. They were really engaged and managed to raise awareness so hopefully we’ve reached the wider community”. – Nyasha, NCS Team Leader.

#NCSOxfordshire @NationalCitizensService

Live to Tri – Karen and Chloe

Congratulations to Karen and Chloe, who took part in the Blenheim Triathlon and smashed their fundraising target, and very kindly donated an incredible £1,620 to Oxford Head Injury Services, plus £300 in Gift Aid.

“This charity does brilliant things and supports both the families and individuals affected by brain damage. We decided to do this triathlon and choose this charity because both of us have been closely affected from family and friends with brain damage, my dad and Chloe’s closest mate”.

#BlenheimTriathlon #Livetotri @BlenheimPalace

Are you up for a challenge? Become a HeadwayHero today! To find out more about fundraising, email events@headway-oxford.org.uk or call 01865670541.

#HeadwayHero @HeadwayOxford