
A deeply concerning new report published today by the Neurological Alliance released today has found the GP’s in England have lost confidence in the primary care pathway for people with neurological conditions.

The survey of over a 1,000 GP’s in England  found:


Said they felt they could benefit from further training on identifying and managing people with neurological conditions.


Of GP’s are either ‘extremely concerned’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ about the time taken from referral to brain injury patients seeing a consultant neurologist.


Of GP’s surveyed believe that in their area patients with neurological conditions frequently do not receive a timely diagnosis.

Arlene Wilkie, CEO of the Neurological Alliance, said

“It is essential that NHS England the Department of Health respond to these findings and engage with the concerns of GP’s and people living with neurological conditions. Without an effective pathway through primary care, patients will continue to suffer the consequences of undue delays to referral, diagnosis and treatment, and outcomes will continue to suffer”

Oxford Head Injury Services: here to help you and your patients

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If you are a GP working in Oxfordshire and share these concerns get in touch with us here at Oxford Head Injury Services.

Oxford Head Injury Services is the primary provider of Rehabilitation, advice and support services to people affected by acquired brain injury in Oxfordshire, in fact our community workers are often the first people to meet brain Injury sufferers after their initial diagnosis, who are not doctors or nurses.

From our centre in Kennington we provide a range of activities and services that assist formal rehabilitation, our community workers and personal assistants make weekly visits to service users in their homes to offer support, advice and help them with everyday tasks like shopping or reconnecting with activities or hobbies.

So Oxford Head Injury Services is very much on the front line of brain injury support and rehabilitation in Oxfordshire, and our staff have a wealth of expert first hand knowledge in the unique demands of dealing with people with brain injuries that we can share with you.

Perhaps you would like to visit our centre in Kennington to learn more about our work and how we can assist you and your patients.

We run regular Brain Injury Awareness Courses where you can learn more about how to manage and communicate more efficiently with brain injury sufferers.

In the past we have created specific bespoke training courses on brain injury, so call us today and we can discuss the particular challenges you face and create together a  tailored training course to meet your needs.

These courses are held at our centre in Kennington, but we are more than happy to run events at your surgery or other venue.

If you would like to discuss how Oxford Head Injury Services can assist you and your patients please contact our Service Manager Claire Twinn on 01865 326263          or e-mail