Our Friends at Community First Oxford have asked us to spread the word as they launch an appeal for new community transport volunteers in Oxfordshire

Read on if you think you could help out, and if you think you fit the grade all the contact details are at the bottom of this article.

Be a real life super hero – Give your community a lift

Oxfordshire County Council has teamed up with Community First Oxfordshire, to launch the new ‘Be a real life superhero – give your community a lift’ campaign. The campaign is appealing for volunteer drivers to support their local community transport scheme and for communities across Oxfordshire to set up new community led transport schemes where there is a need.

Who benefits? Elderly and disabled people in communities across Oxfordshire need real life heroes to give them a lift. They need help with transport to get to appointments, shops and to clubs and to access the day to day occasions that most of us take for granted.

Is community transport really so important? Yes – community transport schemes give people access to transport, where they may otherwise have none.  Community transport provides support in both rural and urban areas.

Expenses are reimbursed and you can do as many or as few journeys as you wish – drivers living in villages are particularly needed.

Visit here or call 01865 883488 to find out about community transport groups near you and who to contact to offer your support.

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