Orpheus choir


“My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary”    

Martin Luther

This year marks the 10th Anniversary of an event that has very quickly become a cornerstone of the musical year in Oxford.

The Oxford Orpheus is an inspiring celebration of the power of music and the sheer soulful joy of communal singing.

Every year it draws singers and musicians from far and wide to Oxford to rehearse and perform a choral concert all in one day. The aim has always being the same to raise money for a local charity through the participants shared passion for beautiful music.

To this end all the singers in the choir pay for the privilege to sing with the Orchestra and professional soloists.

We where delighted when Leo Pitt the wonderfully enthusiastic Artistic Administrator approached us to be the chosen Charity for the 10th Anniversary concert.

We are especially excited to be involved with the Oxford Orpheus. Singing and music workshops form a large part of our activities. Serious head injuries can often have hugely detrimental effects on things we all take for granted, our ability to speak and string sentences together or the loss of cherished memories. The primal joy of communal song and music can often be an incredibly useful tool in our member’s rehabilitation. It is not uncommon for a person affected by speech issues to regain the ability to sing before that of speech, such is the power of music.

“Where Words Fail, Music Speaks”  Hans Christian Anderson

This years concert took place on Saturday 6th February in the stunning setting of the main hall of Oxford Town Hall. The massed choir and orchestra performed the profoundly moving Messa da Requiem by Giuseppe Verdi.

“I adore art…when I am alone with my notes, my heart pounds and the tears stream from my eyes, and my emotion and my joys are too much to bear.”    

Giuseppe Verdi

Accompanying the Orchestra where the soloists Soprano Hye-Youn Lee, Mezzo-Soprano Olivia Ray, Tenor Lawrence Thackery and Bass David Ireland.

The highly acclaimed former Artistic Director of the Scottish Opera and the Philharmonia Chorus in London Robert Dean was the evening’s Conductor.  Robert Dean is a Oxford Orpheus regular and his skills as both a Conductor and Teacher are widely seen as a huge factor in the events enduring appeal.

Our CEO Jamie Miller spoke to the audience before the concert commenced about the work of Oxford Head Injury Services to thanks all those all involved in producing the evening.

Jamie Orpheus


We would once again like to give our great thanks to all those who took part, Conductor Robert Dean, the singers, soloists, musicians and the fantastic volunteers who gave up their time.

And of course the sponsors Blenheim Wealth Management and Boswells.

In particular we would like to say a massive thank-you to Leo Pitt the Artistic Administrator to whom the Oxford Orpheus is very obviously a labour of Love and the success of which is down to her in no small part.

“Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.”    

Dietrich Bonhoeffer