Emergency Food Drop Service Launched

Since a lockdown was announced on Monday 23rd March, the Oxford Head Injury Services team have been busy delivering Emergency Food Parcels to Service Users who are most vulnerable.

The Emergency Food Drop Service was launched shortly after a national lockdown was announced back in March. Many of our Service Users fall within the high-risk category, do not live with anyone else or may be unable to leave the house due to lack of mobility following a brain injury. This makes getting out to the shop to get basic necessities, such as food and toiletries, near to impossible.

Thanks to SOFEA for partnering with us, we are able to provide an Emergency Food Drop Service to our Service Users who are most vulnerable and fall within the high-risk category. So far, we have delivered over 100 emergency food parcels out into the Oxfordshire community.

Anita Williams said:“Thank you ?? so much! It all looks useful and delicious ?- you nailed the chocolate ? but I will share it ! Teas including the refreshing Pukka tea – great and the beetroot ketchup, fancy rice and the Nyonya cooking sauce … we needed cucumber and a melon – a healthy fruity dessert or for breakfast”.

Katie Meeks said: “We are utterly blown away thank you so much it means so much. The children are looking forward to their movie night and have already enjoyed a Fruit Shoot. They have also recycled the box to use for arts and crafts. I’m so grateful thank you for everything”.

Here’s what other Service Users have said:

“Without people like you, people like me wouldn’t be able to flourish and continue to recover”.

“It was my daughters’ birthday yesterday and couldn’t manage to bake a cake, so the small pink cake that was sent in the parcel was used as her birthday cake”.

Thank you from bottom of our hearts – very kind of Headway to think of us”.

“Thank you. If possible, could you find some toilet rolls for next week…”

Help us to continue our vital support services

Oxford Head Injury Services are dedicated more than ever at this time to support people who have been affected by brain injury. During these unprecedented times, our services have changed. Fundraising activities have understandably been postponed or cancelled. It is a particularly precarious time for charities providing front line support services at this time. Oxford Head Injury Services anticipate a shortfall of some £150,000 – £200,000 over the next 6-9 months and we need your help to keep our vital services going.

Our Service Users need your help more than ever.
Please consider making a donation to support the additional strain on our services
