
In December we ran our first ever Headway Academy training day at our center in Kennington

Our expert team have developed a one day training session on supporting people with brain injuries aimed at professionals with a more limited experience of brain injury such as social workers, junior nurses and other support workers.

The aims and objectives of this course are as follows:

. You can further your knowledge of what brain injury is and how it affects people.

. You can understand the range of support available to people with brain injuries.

. You can learn the most effective strategies and use a person centered approach with people who have suffered a brain injury.

. You can gain a full understanding of the implications of the care act for service users with a brain injury and how to  assess them in a effective manner.

You will also have the chance to meet, engage and hear the stories of some of our present and former Headway service user members who will give you a unique insight into the day to day implications of living with a head injury.

The first Headway Academy training day was very successful, here a just a few of the comments by those who attended.

“I learnt about some of the cognitive issues can be masked, leading to people not getting the support they need”

“It was very useful to learn about how cognitive difficulties manifest and coping strategies that can be used”

“I loved the personal experiences of the service users and carers. The practical tasks were engaging and thought provoking. It was excellent thank you”

We are intending to run this Headway Academy training day at regular intervals during 2016.

The cost of this unique training day is £75 per person.

If you would like to attend a Headway Academy training day or would like more information

please contact

Claire Twinn on 01865 326263 or e-mail