We are excited to advise you of this change.

You may be aware, that although Headway Oxfordshire is an independent charity, we also affiliate to the national body, Headway (UK).
To enable our charity to be more flexible and responsive to the needs of those affected by brain injury, and to support our ongoing sustainability, the Trustee’s and senior management team of HWO, have decided to no longer affiliate to Headway UK.

As a consequence, we are presently going through a rebranding exercise and will no longer be using the “Headway” name.

However, we are extremely proud to announce that we will continue to provide our high quality and innovative services to those affected by brain injury under a new fully independent charity identity, with the new name and branding of “Oxford Head Injury Services” (the brain injury charity).

It is our intention that none of our present services or relationships will be directly affected by this change. Our charity number will remain the same, as will our bank account details etc. The only difference you will see is that the name!

Whether you are a supplier, fundraiser, supporter, friend of or stakeholder organisation, we thank you for your historical support. We sincerely hope that you will continue to help us to help those affected by brain injury going forward, under the new exciting banner of “Oxford Head Injury Services” (the brain injury charity).