On Tuesday January 26th Oxfordshire County Council will be meeting at County Hall in Oxford to discuss proposals to save a further £70m from Oxfordshire’s already stretched County Council budget.

Oxfordshire County Council’s full cabinet will meet to decide whether a staggering 95 budget options will be voted through including budget cuts that will affect the vital services that Oxford Head Injury Services offers.

These drastic cuts if put into effect will risk causing serious harm to the well being of Oxfordshire’s vulnerable residents.

Oxford Head Injury Services is proud to be part of the The Enough is Enough alliance says that says these 95 budget cut options will affect local vulnerable and elderly people in a cumulative and wide-ranging way.

From the wider impact of the removal of funding for subsidised buses to the specific halting of funding for exceptionally high-quality and effective voluntary sector service providers, without whom it is simply not possible to provide social care locally.

A vulnerable person may be someone who has a life-long condition from birth, or one which has crept up over a period of months or years, or a life-changing accident which makes yesterday so much different to today or tomorrow.

It could be you or me, your daughter, your son, your mother or father, your wife of husband or a cherished friend.

All of these issues have a ripple effect breaking on family, friends and our Oxfordshire communities.

We say, Enough is Enough. The Budget Options are unacceptable and economically perverse. If applied they will be hugely damaging to the long-term health of NHS provision and cause a crisis in social care and our communities.

So join us outside County Hall in Oxford from 1pm on Tuesday January 26th to tell Oxford County Council ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
