

News & Events

Activity and Rehabilitation Centre (ARC) Refurbishment

23 April 2021 –

Exciting News! The work to update and improve the ARC has begun!

The work includes improving the insulation of the building and installing glass patio doors at the back of the ARC leading to the garden.

This work is required to update the building but will also greatly enhance the ARC for our service users – increasing space in the Centre and bringing in more natural light.

As with all building work there will be some noise but we are working with the contractors to try our best to keep this to a minimum with the majority of the ‘noisy’ work taking place when the ARC is closed.

Should there be any safety issues, we will of course advise service users and carers accordingly and close the centre on those days BUT we are aiming NOT to close.

If you would like more details on any aspect of this, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01865 326263.

By |April 23, 2021|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

Dr Helen Kennerley

Dr Helen Kennerley

Clinical Psychologist Consultant


Dr. Helen Kennerley is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and CBT therapist (NHS & MOD) and University Tutor (University of Oxford). She has specialised in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for most of her career.  She has written or co-authored several CBT texts including The ABC of CBT and An Introduction to CBT (both Sage Publications)

Following Udo’s stroke in October 2016, Udo Kischka and Helen Kennerley brought together their professional skills and personal experience and wrote “Surviving Stroke: the story of a neurologist and his family“  . Their aim was to share the reality of adjusting to life after a severe brain injury whilst offering guidance for getting through. This is one reviewer’s description of “Surviving Stroke”:  ‘[This book] gives a clear description and explanation of exactly how shattering a stroke can be. There is no magic moment; there are downs as well as ups; things happen for no reason; it is all agonisingly slow; uncertainty is crippling and exhausting; loss of control and choice is frightening and severe. It paints a very real picture, stripped of all gloss yet still allowing hope and restoration’ – Professor Derick Wade, Consultant in Neurological Rehabilitation.

Find out more about Professor Udo Kischka

By |January 28, 2021|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

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