

News & Events

Winter Newsletter

Winter Newsletter

Get your hot chocolate ready and wrap up cosy. Have a read of our latest newsletter to find out what we’ve been up to at Oxford Head Injury Services ☕

What’s included in this issue:

  • What’s going on in the ARC
  • Creative Work
  • Flashback to Recent Events
  • Loueze Miller Wins Leadership Award
  • Grant Success
  • Sensory Rehabilitation Garden Project
  • In the Life of
  • Welcome to the Team
  • Upcoming events


By |December 1, 2020|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

Moving Ahead: Plans for Community Navigators

Moving Ahead: Plans for Community Navigators

Those who have previously benefitted from our ABI Support Worker service will be really pleased to hear that we are now pushing ahead with our replacement support package “Community Navigator Service” (CNS). We understand that recovering from a brain injury can be challenging for individuals, families and carers. We are here to support you.

We will encourage and support you in adjusting to the new challenges you face. This could be by re-learning lost skills or developing new ones that will empower you to become more independent. We appreciate that everyone is different and although some may benefit from our centre based activity and rehabilitation services, others may prefer to have a more focussed support package within their own home and community setting. If this applies to you, then our Community Navigation Services (CNS) may be the best option.

What is CNS?

The aim of the project is to:

  • provide a framework of goal based structured support, that is agreed and owned by the individual themselves
  • create a menu of options to allow clients to create goals collaboratively with OHIS staff
  • provide useful and accurate information around brain injury
  • support and promote condition specific insight
  • utilise coping strategies and rehabilitations tools to maximise recovery outcomes
  • help rebuild confidence
  • re-focus on a successful life after a Brian Injury
  • promote long term independence

The CNS project provides fixed term support, to improve independence and community integration, longer term for individuals affected by brain injury over a defined period (usually 6-months or so).

Our Community Navigators will agree a timetable of support with you that includes regular home and/or community visits. The Community Navigator will work with you to identify the most pressing issues you are facing in relation to your brain injury.

Although every brain injury is different, there are common issues that those affected by brain injury experience and these can become barriers to their long term rehabilitation and community integration. As such, our Community Navigators can assist you with information, advice and coping strategies around the most common challenges, including:

  • Fatigue management
  • Memory
  • Planning and Organising
  • Support for family or carer
  • Social engagement
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Vocational support
  • Healthy living
  • Finance and welfare

If you have any queries or want more information, please do not hesitate to contact the team at Oxford Head Injury Services by email or phone 01865 326263.

By |December 1, 2020|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

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