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Oxford Head Injury Services Manager Taking on Triathlon Challenge

Oxford Head Injury Services Manager Taking on Triathlon Challenge this Sunday.

Charlotte Carlisle, who is taking on the event to celebrate turning 50, will swim 750m, cycle 20k followed by a 5k run at the Blenheim Palace Live to Tri Triathlon. 

The challenge was originally set to take place in May earlier this year, however due to Covid-19 restrictions the event was postponed.

Charlotte said: “I’d started training at the beginning of February, and was building training up across the three disciplines, then Covid-19 hit. For training, I’ve been going out for early morning bike rides and weekly evening swims. Swimming has been more challenging to train as pools are shut, but I’m going to outdoor lakes to practice. I hate outdoor water, and sharks. That’s the bit that scares me – not that they’ll be any! After being on lockdown for so long, I’m glad that the event can safely go ahead. Organisers are following government guidelines and social distancing measures will be in place. I’m very much looking forward to the day”.

Course Map

The Oxford Head Injury Services team are extremely proud of Charlotte for stepping out of her comfort zone and taking on a challenge to raise awareness of the charity.

Sharelle Holdsworth, Marketing and Events Officer said: “We are rooting for Charlotte and look forward to hearing all about the challenge on Monday. Fundraising is quiet at the moment and it’s now that we need people more than ever. We’re grateful to people like Charlotte for thinking of Oxford Head Injury Services during these difficult Covid times. Good luck!”.

Charlotte encourages everyone to step out of their comfort zone and try something new: “Do something that scares you. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone. It’s a great memory. My kids are getting older. They will see me being an idiot but also doing something for myself and challenging myself. I see first-hand the great work that Headway does and the need for support, particularly during this time”.

All fundraising will go towards the Oxford Head Injury Services’s Building Renovation Project.

If you’d like to show support to Charlotte, you can make a donation here:

Find out more information on our website:


By |September 11, 2020|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

Lead Acquired Brain Injury Navigator

Advocate for Adults with a Brain Injury (Lead Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Navigator)

Pay Scale: £26-29k pro rata
Hours of Work: Full Time (37hrs per week)

Download Job Description

Oxford Head Injury Services is a registered charity (No 1156538) based in Kennington, Oxford and
affiliated to the national organisation Headway (UK).

Our aim is to improve the lives of those affected by brain injury in Oxfordshire and surrounding areas, by providing a range of effective support services. We presently have a vacancy for a Lead ABI Navigator.

This role has recently been developed as part of a new and exciting project entitled the
Oxfordshire ABI Support Service (OASS). As the Lead ABI Navigator, you will be supporting
the development of this project and leading a small team to make the positive outcomes a
reality. You will be making a significant and lasting impact in the lives of those affected by
brain injury, their family and carers. You will be assisting their journey through clinical
services, supporting their transition from hospital to community settings and assisting them
to maximise their community integration, longer term. Getting to see the real-world impact
of your work is one of the joys of this role, as is working creatively with our friendly and
supportive staff team.

We are looking for a highly committed professional who can demonstrate a track record of
leading staff teams and developing/managing projects. You will be an effective advocate
and support worker in your own right and able to support other staff to attain the required
level of skill and output. You may have experience of working as a Social Worker, OT or have
a nursing qualification. Could this person, be you? In this key role, you will act as a
representative of Oxford Head Injury Services whilst working within hospital environments,
Oxford Head Injury Services’s facilities and with the general public. You will have excellent
communication skills and the ability to organise and work to the needs of individuals. As
such you will need to be self-motivated able to effectively engage with different teams
(including clinicians and social workers) to maximise positive outcomes for our client group.

A flexible working package will be considered.

If you have any questions, please call 01865 3326263.

Closing date for is 5pm Friday 11th September

By |August 26, 2020|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

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