Oxford Head Injury Services are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of both our exciting new website and three new moving and insightful videos around our work.  We are just working on the final touches and ensuring that everything is in place for the launch next month.

New features will include: an easy referral process, online payments and a quick payment event booking system. You will be able to sign up for communications; making it easier for you to stay up to date with news and events at OHIS. The Activity and Rehabilitation Centre timetable will be available online and the website will also include Research Corner for professionals to share their most recent research on brain injury.

For all our Headway Heroes and those fundraising for OHIS, there will be even more support to help you along with your fundraising journey and to support you to organise fundraising events within your community. The website is designed to make getting involved with Oxford Head Injury Services even easier and we’ll be offering more opportunities for service users, carers, professionals and corporate supporters to engage with us and our work. We are also launching our Oxford Head Injury Services shop – all proceeds raised from sales will go directly towards the provision of services for those affected by brain injury across Oxfordshire.

The website was created with accessibility, user engagement and ease-of-use in mind. We hope you like our new look!

And finally, we will be launching three new video projects; the first, “This is Oxford Head Injury Services”, take you to the heart of who we are and the work we do. This will be launched on Friday 26th July at 2pm! (To watch the premiere click here). This video features service users describing the value of the support they receive and looks at some of the activities and therapies that we offer at our Activity and Rehabilitation Centre. In “Becoming a Corporate Supporter”, we hear from corporate sponsors and supporters about their relationship with OHIS and how this adds real value to their organisation; including staff engagement, satisfaction and retention. Lastly “Volunteer with Oxford Head Injury Services” demonstrates the breadth and depth of the amazing work of volunteers in supporting OHIS’s front-line services and fundraising goals. All these films will be available to view on our new website, so  don’t forget to add our This is Oxford Head Injury Services video launch to your calendars!

If you have any questions, please call on 01865 326263 or email admin@headway-oxford.org.uk.