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As you may of have seen in the press and media today a survey undertaken by Age UK has discovered some truly distressing facts about the welfare of elderly carers in our society.

The number of people over 80 who are caring for a loved has risen alarmingly in the last seven years, one in seven of the estimated unpaid 417,000 carers who look after a family member are themselves over 80 years of age, and over half of them work more than 35 hours a week tending to their relative or partner.

It is no surprise that many of them say they are exhausted, fear for the future and worry about how long they can continue such a punishing schedule.

Jamie Miller Oxford Head Injury Services CEO reacted to this report by saying

“We owe a huge and massive debt to carers in our society. 

“These findings are truly shocking but sadly to us at Oxford Head Injury Services they come as no surprise, the figures are rising due to our ageing population, but are compounded by a state that increasingly is withdrawing from it’s moral duty to care for it’s elderly and vulnerable citizens.

Caring for a loved one with a brain injury involves more than just supporting them. The nature of brain injuries can be particularly distressing leading to personality changes and memory loss in someone you love, and as we are only to aware can often to lead to family breakdown and further pressure on the the carer who is left to pick up the pieces”

This is why the well being of carers is at the heart of everything we do at Oxford Head Injury Services, it is of paramount importance to us, as we know from years of working in the sector that the quality of life of someone with a brain injury is directly related to the happiness and well being of their carer and family.

Caring for a loved one with a brain injury involves more than just supporting them.

Your whole life is turned upside down, and the new responsibilities, paperwork and health care issues can be daunting. Oxford Head Injury Services makes sure you aren’t left to cope alone.

We offer advice and support on navigating the various means of support available to you as a carer of someone with brain injury. This includes referrals to other organisations that may be of help, advice on the benefits system and how to get by, and assistance dealing with the NHS.

At our centre in Kennington we are not only offering rehabilitation and activities to those with brain injuries, but also a vital respite for their carers to have time on their own, and we will always make time to talk to carers and the families of our clients, and listen to their concerns and worries and find solutions together”

If you would like to learn more about Oxford Head Injury Services and it’s vital work in our community go to

or call 01865 326623 or e-mail