Orpheus 2017 choir 1

On Saturday February 18th we where once again delighted to be the charity beneficiary for The Oxford Orpheus concert.

The Oxford Orpheus is one of the undoubted highlights of Oxford’s musical calendar. Choral singers from around the UK flock to Oxford each year to take part in this unique musical happening.

Alongside a professional Orchestra Conductor and solo singers, in just one day they rehearse, create and perform a choral masterwork each year.

This year’s chosen work fittingly was the magnificent Creation by Joseph Haydn, telling the story of the biblical creation of the Earth and the Universe from chaos and the initial moment of creation, to the making of the seas and land and concluding with Adam and Eve entering the Garden of Eden.


joseph haydnOrpheus 2017 program

The Concert took place in the wonderful setting of the Oxford’s magnificent Town Hall with it’s beautiful decorated ceiling, balconies and chandeliers providing an fitting backdrop to the astonishing sound of the combined choir, Orchestra and soloists.

Orpheus soloist 3

This year proceeds from the Oxford Orpheus concert will go towards our current fundraising appeal to establish the first ever Neurological Physiotherapy Gym in the voluntary sector at our Activity and Rehabilitation Centre in Kennington. The availability of easily accessible and specialised exercise equipment is vital to the recovery of people with brain injuries. Currently access to such equipment in Oxfordshire is very limited. Our new facility will quite literally transform the recoveries of people with brain injuries in the county. If you would like to donate to our Neurological Physiotherapy Gym appeal you can do so on our appeal page here

Physiotherapy Gym

This year a number of Oxford Head Injury Services Service users attended the concert including Omar and his wife Latifa (pictured below) and all hugely enjoyed the evening.

Orpheus 2017 omar

We would like to take this chance to say a huge thank to everyone who made the concert possible.

Orpheus 2017 soloist 2

The Artistic Director and Conductor of the Oxford Orpheus Robert Dean whose inspired leadership make the evening possible. The fabulous Soloists Charmain, Robin and Brian, and of course the wonderful choir who come from near and far to lend us their voices, sing so magnificently and support us.

A very special thanks goes to Leo Pitt and and the Oxford Orpheus team, the concert is created in just one day, but the organisation behind is the result of months of dedicated and tireless work by Leo and her team.

“It is the melody which is the charm of music, and that which is most difficult to produce. The invention of a fine melody is a work of genius”

Joseph Haydn