We will be wearing our #HatsForHeadwayOxford

Will you?


All we ask you to do is wear a hat (as novel and wacky as possible!) on Friday 13th May  in return for a donation you can make at Our Just Giving Page here

Hats on a head image


Hats can be worn anywhere (most importantly on your head!)

At work

In School (with teachers permission of course!)

At Home

At the gym

In the swimming pool

If fact anywhere you want, hats come in all shapes and sizes and can be worn anywhere, hats are great!

And don’t forget to send us your pictures to #HatsForHeadwayOxford

Here is the Official Hats for Headway poster to put to promote the event help you recruit lots of lovely hat wearing friends to the cause.


so go on…..

Use your head and give a hat a home!

Wear a Hat for Oxford Head Injury Services on Friday 13th
