We’re Reopening: Welcome back!

What a whirlwind the last few months have been. Since lockdown was announced on 23rd March, the Oxford Head Injury Services team has been rapidly responding to the challenges and striving to meet your needs as best we can. Our Digital and Telephone support service was welcomed by many over this period and this will be an offer we continue to make to those who can’t or don’t want to return to our face to face services quite yet.

In response to the latest national and local Government advice and guidance, we are excited and relieved to announce the reopening of the Activity and Rehabilitation Centre (ARC) on Tuesday 4th August, with centre based day services returning to the usual timetable from that date (until further notice). We’re really looking forward to welcoming you back and seeing you again!

Your Health and Safety Comes First

It will be clear to everyone that the coronavirus has become part of all of our lives and something we are going to have to learn to live with and work around. However, this does not mean that everyone will feel the same way or have the same needs to return to the ARC. We appreciate that some may wish/need to continue to isolate and therefore will not wish to return yet. This doesn’t have to affect your placement within the ARC, which can be held for you until you feel able to return. For these Service Users, we will also be maintaining our present digital and telephone support service, which we encourage you to access and utilise as much as possible.

There will be other individuals and carers who may have other pressures or concerns for their health and wellbeing and therefore will benefit from returning to the ARC. With you in mind, Oxford Head Injury Services has undertaken risk assessments of all aspects of our service delivery to ensure that we have considered and mitigated as much of the identified risk as possible. This includes risks to Service Users, staff and the organisation as a whole. We have implemented a number of changes to our normal processes and procedures with your safety in mind. It is essential that we all work together to minimise risk.

If you are a Service Users, you will be receiving a letter shortly with further details. If you have any questions, you can contact us by email on opsmanager@headway-oxfordshire.org.uk or call 01865 326263.