Hats for Headway Day #HatsforHeadway

A huge thank you to all of those who took part in this year’s Hats for Headway Day.

We saw a whole range of hats – homemade, berets, sombrero’s and many more! The day raised a total of £278 that will support people who have been affected by brain injury.


Our team winner goes to Royds Withy King

Our individual winner goes to Mike Foster for his fantastic effort rocking ELEVEN hats!!


All funds raised will go towards our Emergency Covid-19 Fund Appeal, which will enable us to continue supporting adults in Oxfordshire living with the effects of brain injury during isolation.

If you missed out, you can still donate £2 here and send in your pictures and videos to events@headway-oxford.org.uk.

Show us what you’re up to by tagging Oxford Head Injury Services and use the hashtag #HatsforHeadway