Bob Bailey

“At the time this was very upsetting and frustrating that I could no longer work”.

Bob Bailey, 71, from Oxford always loved planting vegetables in his allotment, and it became a lifetime hobby. But after a car accident, he now suffers from short-term memory loss and forgets names.

In 2009, Bob was on his way to a folk concert at St Aldates in Oxford. He was crossing the road when he was hit by a car at over 40mph who was over taking a bus and on the other side of the road.

He suffered two broken legs, broken back, three broken ribs and a fractured skull, which subsequently caused a severe brain injury. Doctors told his wife that he would not survive.

Luckily, after several surgeries, Bob did survive.

But now he has to live with short-term memory loss, along with mobility issues and chronic fatigue.

“Day-to-day life gets frustrating”.

Prior to the accident, Bob worked at Oxford Archaeology in the finds room for over 14 years. Due to his brain injury, he could no longer return to the work he once loved.

Bob said “At the time this was very upsetting and frustrating that I could no longer work. I was about to be promoted to a manager and was thrilled about this but that all changed. I just knew that I was no longer physically or mentally able to do the job anymore”.

As well as forgetting names of vegetables, Bob also cannot remember the names of people who he attends the Activity and Rehabilitation Centre at Oxford Head Injury Services. He finds this frustrating.

Bob has been attending Oxford Head Injury Services for 10 years. The charity helps with rehabilitation activities such as art therapy, socialisation and routine outside of his home environment.