
You can’t comprehend how confused and traumatised you are after such a terrible thing happens to your family, and how relieved you are that Headway is there to offer you support, hold your hand and guide you through the difficult bits.”

“When my wife came round she didn’t know who I was or remember the children. She was like a blank canvas. Her personality was different which was really hard for me and for our older children because they remember her before the accident and know that she is not the same.  Her short-term memory was severely affected; I remember the stress and anxiety I felt when she kept repeatedly asking me where her handbag was and I would answer her, “It’s by the bed”, again and again. She had mood swings which impacted on the whole family.  It’s not just the physical changes: the mental changes are even harder to deal with. I was told about Headway and made contact; a CSW came to visit me. You can’t comprehend how confused and traumatised you are after such a terrible thing happens to your family, and how relieved you are that Headway is there to offer you support, hold your hand and guide you through the difficult bits.”