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Professor Udo Kischka

Professor Udo Kischka

Professional Neuro-rehabilitation Consultant & Brain Injury Expert by Experience

Professor Udo Kischka  is a retired Consultant Neurologist in Neuro-rehabilitation (NHS) , Academic Visitor (University of Oxford) and Research Visiting Fellow (Oxford Brookes University). He has a long career in specialising in stroke neuro-rehabilitation in particular.  He has written many academic articles and co-authored several books including:  The Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology  and Head Injury (both Oxford University Press).

Following Udo’s stroke in October 2016, Udo Kischka and Helen Kennerley brought together their professional skills and personal experience and wrote “Surviving Stroke: the story of a neurologist and his family“  . Their aim was to share the reality of adjusting to life after a severe brain injury whilst offering guidance for getting through. This is one reviewer’s description of “Surviving Stroke”:  ‘[This book] gives a clear description and explanation of exactly how shattering a stroke can be. There is no magic moment; there are downs as well as ups; things happen for no reason; it is all agonisingly slow; uncertainty is crippling and exhausting; loss of control and choice is frightening and severe. It paints a very real picture, stripped of all gloss yet still allowing hope and restoration’ – Professor Derick Wade, Consultant in Neurological Rehabilitation.

Find out more about Helen Kenneley

By |January 28, 2021|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

Loueze Miller

Loueze Miller

Specialist Exercise Therapist

Loueze has a lengthy background working across a wide range of physical disciplines. Amongst other things, Loueze is a qualified therapist/teacher in: Dance, Aqua therapy, Kettle Bell, Massage, Yoga and neuro physical rehabilitation. Loueze has worked in a variety of settings and countries, gaining very wide ranging experience, including working within health settings and privately with high profile clients, with her work around post breast cancer rehab being featured in international publications.

Loueze joined Oxford Head Injury Services in 2014 with the specific aim of focussing her experience on condition specific rehabilitation and has been honing her skills and qualifications as a specialist working with neurological conditions since then. Most recently, Loueze has qualified in both (BACPR Cardiac Rehabilitation (Level4) and Functional Rehabilitation and Exercise Training after Stroke (FRETS), through the Action for Rehabilitation from Neurological Injury Institute (ARNI).

It is Loueze’s ability to draw on multiple disciplines, that enables her to be such an engaging practitioner, leading and motivating individuals to maximise their personal recovery. The quality of Loueze’s work has been acknowledged, including being the recipient of the 2020 Oxfordshire Association of Care Providers (OACP) Leadership Award for her work at Oxford Head Injury Services.

By |January 28, 2021|Categories: Former Articles|0 Comments

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