Jamie Miller Headway CEO reacts to the Breaking news that Oxfordshire County Council has made significant changes to the proposed cuts.

The Oxford Mail is reporting that:

The proposal will now look into a full review of all day services for older people and an additional contribution from the Budget Reserve.

Service savings which have been removed include:

– Voluntary sector provided day services – £750,000

– Day services – health and wellbeing centres – £2,050,000

– Transport to day centres – £200,000

– Early intervention hubs and day centres – £2,000,000

Here are Jamie’s initial thoughts:

“Speaking as an organisation that doesn’t really sit in any one funding camp (and in fact as a condition Acquired Brain Injury is very much under served and under recognised by commissioners both nationally and locally) I am happy that some consideration has been given by councillors to the need to slow down the cuts and allow individuals and the voluntary sector some breathing space. However, in reality the cuts still remain and I would have far rather have seen an all out “NO” vote that sends a clear message to the Government, that these cuts remain immoral, undemocratic and unachievable.

I would like to offer my personal thanks to all those that stood before the council and relayed the truth so eloquently. This fight is by no means over and we will need to muster the full understanding and support of Oxfordshire’s voting public if we are to really achieve the moral victory that is so imperative for our communities and the most vulnerable within them.”