Supporters are finding new ways to fundraise –  We nominate you to take part in the #GardenChallenge by Oxford Head Injury Services

Nathalie Vernié, 22, student was set to take part in the 10k Spring Wolf Run this Saturday in Warwickshire. After it was postponed, Nathalie transformed her garden into her very own 10k obstacle course in aid of Oxford Head Injury Services. 

Natalie said “I felt bad that that my supporters had sponsored me and the event had been postponed, and so I created my own 10k in my garden. I made five obstacles. One made from string and pegs that I crawled under on the floor, another was a wheelbarrow filled with wood, I put old tyres on the floor to jump through, another was made from string where I’d go under one piece and over another and the last obstacle was to walk with stilts, that my dad had made for me as a child”.

Natalie added “It took 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete. It’s quite challenging running in circles in your garden. I was doing it for fun and to continue to show support to Oxford Head Injury Services during this time”.

Nathalie raised a fantastic £150, that will go towards providing vital support services to people who have been affected by brain injury.

We were inspired by Nathalie and so have launched the #GardenChallenge by Oxford Head Injury Services.

We’re nominating you to take part!

It’s simple. If you have a garden, build your own obstacle course, download the app “Strava” to record your run, choose to run either 5k or 10k – you can choose nominate others to make up 10k together (but separately in your own garden) i.e each person does 1k – make a “best bits” video clip of no longer than 20 seconds, take some pictures and share with us by emailing to Please note that we will be sharing this on our website, social media and with local press, so please only take part if you are happy to appear here!

Make a donationof £5 or £10 to Oxford Head Injury Services to support those affected by brain injury. Run 5k, donate £5. Run 10k, donate £10.

Be safe, be responsible and follow government guidelines – only take part if you have a suitably sized garden that you can run around safely.#Stayhome

#Takepart #HeadwayOxfordshireChallenge