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This is the latest edition of our “What we learned this Month…..” newsletter in which we intend to open the doors of Oxford Head Injury Services so you can take a look inside and see what we have been up to, we hope you enjoy them and look forward to hearing about what you think about Oxford Head Injury Services

Start your engines! Oxford Head Injury Services teams up with MG Live 2016

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We are all delighted to announce that Oxford Head Injury Services has been chosen as the official Charity partner for MG Live! which takes place at the world famous Silverstone racing circuit home of the British Grand Prix.

MG Live! which takes place on the weekend of June 4th and 5th is the world’s premier MG event with thousands of fans of the iconic British sports car from around the globe flocking to the home of British motor sport to celebrate their shared passion for all things MG.

The MG Car Club, organisers of MG Live was founded in Abingdon, Oxfordshire in 1930, it has over 50,000 members worldwide. The Club remains in Abingdon, located at Kimber House – just 200 yards from the site of the MG Car Company’s works.

John Day, the MG Car Club President said:

“Oxford Head Injury Services is the perfect fit for the MG Car Club and MGLive! 2016. The link between them is very strong, and I believe it’s a charity that people will wholeheartedly understand and support.”

Jamie Miller CEO of Oxford Head Injury Services said:

“We are thrilled to have been chosen as the Charity partner for MG Live.Every year in Oxfordshire a staggering 4,000 people suffer a serious head injury.Brain injury can strike people of any age, and from any walk of life and at any time.

We know at first hand the results can be devastating, having an immediate and long term impact on the lives of individuals, their families and carers.

 We also know that life is precious, but to make our lives full we need to live them. This means we need to understand risk, mitigate it where possible but we should also embrace it, for when we take risks we push our experience and understanding, developing into better human beings as a consequences.

 This commitment and love of life is one we share with MG. Over MG’s 90 year history this belief has been summed up in its famous slogan “Safety Fast”. Whilst maintaining its reputation as the premier British manufacturer of iconic sports cars, it has also often been an innovator in car safety.

This commitment by MG and the rest of the car industry has seen hugely dramatic falls in the number of traffic fatalities year on year on our roads, from a peak figure of over 9,000 deaths in 1941 to 1,700 in 2013. There is still much work to be done and of course the incredible safety devices in our cars mean that many more people now survive previously fatal accidents. However, as fatalities decrease, brain injuries have increased with brain injuries rising by 6% in the last year and acquired brain injuries rising in total by 10% in this time.

 The Headway Team will be at MGLive! for the entire weekend, please do come and say hello, we are always looking to make new friends!”

To celebrate and announce our partnership with MG Live we held a press launch event at our Rehabilitation and Activity center in Kennington. The President of the MG Car Club John Day was in attendence and we had a number of MG cars at the centre for the day.

Read The Oxford Mail article on the press launch here

MGs at Arc


Richard from the MG Car Club and his beautiful MGB being admired by the Oxford Head Injury Services Tuesday Gang

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Jamie Miller Oxford Head Injury Services CEO and MG Car Club President John Day at Kimber House in Abingdon home of the MG Car Club

Tickets for MGLive! start from £18 for a Member’s day ticket, while a weekend tickets starting at £28. With two days of racing, a packed programme of entertainment, trade stalls and much, much more, visit to book your tickets now.

We will be at Silverstone for the whole event over the weekend of June 4th and 5th and have exciting plans that we will share with you soon!

…….And a Result just coming in Headway Heroes 4 Play2Give Stars 3

Headway VS Play2Give


The Headway Heroes and the Play2Give Stars pose for a post match photo with the winners cup

A clash of the Titans took place on at Oxford City Football Club on Saturday 19th March when our friends at the charity Play2Give took on a team from Oxford Head Injury Services in the first of what we hope will be an annual fixture, to raise funds for us.

It was a closely fought 90 minute encounter but in the end Oxford Head Injury Services prevailed by 4 goals to 3.

Oxford Head Injury Services service manager Claire Twinn said:

“It’s been brilliant to see so many people come out to support us, I am always impressed that they are willing to give their time up.

“We are increasingly relying on fundraising now that we get less money from local authorities, so events like this are really wonderful.”

Huge thanks to Andy Baker from Play2Give who organised the event, and the players from both sides who turned out so generously on the day.

We would also like to say a massive thank-you to Oxford City Football Club for hosting the match.

For More information on Play2Give and their events visit their website here

A.R.C Activities in March

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The Oxford Head Injury Services Friday Gang bursts into song!

The A.R.C has been full of the sound of music this month with our new regular Music teacher Emily Marshall holding her first community singing sessions. They are going so well we are looking into forming a Oxford Head Injury Services choir so watch this space!

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Local artist Gary Bosher and A.R.C Cordinator Loueze and Iggy the dog strike a pose outside the center in Kennington

To add to the regular music sessions we met up with local artist Gary Bosher this month, Gary has agreed to join the team from May and hold regular art instruction sessions with our members at the A.R.C

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Howzat! the Oxford Head Injury Services Tuesday Gang get their first taste of Table Top cricket

Huge thanks to the lovely people at  Bucks, Berkshire and Oxfordshire disability Cricket who came and introduced the Tuesday Gang to to Table Top Cricket.

Polly’s Mindfulness breathing exercise

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Mindfulness- “Mindfulness is a state of consciousness that involves attending to one’s moment to moment experience. It involved paying attention in a purposeful present and non-judgemental way (Reid, 2013).

This Month we are looking at How to be Mindful of yourself and your environment following a brain injury- (specifically a stroke) which may affect more than one area of your body.

After a Stroke you may experience difficulties with:

  • Physical movement including weakness in a limb, loss or limited range of movement in your arms and / or legs
  • You may require the use of a walking aid or adaptive equipment such as a perch stool at home, an electric wheelchair or scooter when out and about and equipment around your home to keep you safe and prevent falls
  • You may develop other complications such as epilepsy
  • You could find that you are more tired than you are used to, Fatigue can be a major problem for many people who now require more rest and breaks in between tasks

There are of course a lot of other complications that follow a stroke including memory difficulties; processing information retaining a name or place or appointment. Getting around is more complicated than before and you may need a carer or family member to come with you to support you whenever you want to leave the house.

You could find that your mind is so full of all the things you have to do and all the appointments that you need to get to, you forget things or find that you are feeling stressed or anxious but are not sure why.

The tips below have been designed for you to use at home and the breathing exercises take 10 minutes once a day. They are designed to help you to be mindful of yourself and your surroundings.

  1. Try and be mindful on a daily basis-A minute is better than none at all
  2. Every time you go to do something take 3 mindful breaths before you begin so that you are aware of what you are doing and are in the present moment
  3. Be aware of your own body- are you rushing? Tired? Anxious or Fatigued? Then STOP!
  4. Notice when you feel happy or hungry or emotional. STOP!
  5. Slow down and don’t rush- you are important. Taking the time to take care of yourself and notice how your body is coping will make you more able to look after yourself and move yourself forwards.

Mindful Breathing exercise

:Sit Comfortably in an upright and stable posture with your eyes closed or with a lowered gaze

:Focus on the physical sensations associated with breathing, there is no need to control your breath;simply be aware of the normal process taking place.

:Be conscious of the temperature of the air entering and exciting your nostrils , the sensation of air hitting your upper lip as you breathe out and the sensations in your chest as your lungs fill and deflate.

:Rest your hands on your abdomen and cultivate awareness of the sensation of them rising and falling with breath.Make an effort to follow your breath as it enters your nostrils, throat and lungs, visualize it moving through your entire body. Be aware of the precise moment that your breath turns around from inhalation to exhalation and visa versa.

:Start by trying to keep your mind focused on this simple task for 10 breaths, when your mind wanders as it will, simply bring it back to the breath without frustration or irritation to yourself.

:With practice you will be able to extend the period of the exercise , aim for 2–30 minute periods once or twice a day.



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Coming soon at Oxford Head Injury Services


Fun run 2016

Dust off those running shoes and join our team for the Rotary Club Fun 2016

Join us at the University Parks in Oxford on Sunday May 7th for the annual 5K Rotary Club Fun Run, to join our team call 01865 326263 and ask to speak to charlie or e-mail




And Finally…Use your Head, Give a Hat a Home this Hats For Oxford Head Injury Services Day on May 13th

All we ask you to do is wear a hat (as novel and wacky as possible!) on Friday 13th May  in return for a donation you can make at Our Just Giving Page here

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Hats can be worn anywhere (most importantly on your head!)

At Work

At School (with Teachers permission!)

At Home

In the Gym

In the swimming pool

If fact anywhere you want, hats come in all shapes and sizes and can be worn anywhere, hats are great! And don’t forget to send us your pictures on twitter using the hashtag  #HatsForHeadwayOxford Here is the Official Hats for Headway poster to put to promote the event help you recruit lots of lovely hat wearing friends to the cause.


So go on…..Use your head and give a hat a home!                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wear a Hat for Oxford Head Injury Services on Friday 13th