Play2give cheque pic


We where all thrilled yesterday to be handed a cheque for £925.06 from the amazing fundraiser Andy Baker and his charity Play2Give.

Andy who is one of our clients, is a tireless fundraiser both for Oxford Head Injury Services and the John Radcliffe Children’s Hospital.

The funds where raised by two events a brilliant party night held at Didcot Football club where Oxford Head Injury Services was named as Play2Give’s charity of the year and presented with a certificate and a charity football match between the Headway Heroes and the Play2Give Stars at the Oxford City Football ground.

The next Play2Give event for Headway is Play2Give’s annual 6 a side football tournament which takes place on Saturday July 2nd again at the Oxford City Football ground, if you would like to enter a team for what should be a fantastic day, you can find out more here